Blog - Homosexuality

10 Reasons Why Transgenderism Is the Family's Worst Enemy

What the transgender revolution wants is self-destructive, tyrannical, unscientific, immoral, abusive, and unhealthy.

Shattering the Pro-Homosexual "Bigotry" Myth at the University of Wisconsin -- Madison

TFP promotes moral values at "Berkeley of the Midwest," sees spiritual combat first hand

10 Reasons Why Homosexual “Marriage” is Harmful and Must be Opposed

These reasons will help you win every debate for God's marriage.

Vatican Condemnation of Homosexuality in 2003: Valid Then, Valid Now

Why the Redefinition of Marriage Will Destroy Society

7 Stunning Replies to Top Liberal Lies

1. "You're just a bigot" 2: "Don't you dare judge" 3. "You're just so intolerant" and 4 more...

12 Quotes Against Sodomy That Every Catholic Should Know

Here's what the Saints, Doctors, and Catholic Church Fathers really taught about the sin of sodomy.

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