Blog - Homosexuality

12 Shocking Quotes: How Same-Sex "Marriage" Spells the Death of Natural Marriage

Just as civil unions were a mere stepping stone to reach same-sex "marriage," the movement to redefine marriage will continue on its reckless course until it shatters the concept of true marriage and family.

Equality's Next Victims: Transgendering Our Children

“We can do wonders if we get them early.” -- Dr. Norman Spack, director of Gender Management Service at Boston Children’s Hospital Find out what the new dictators of equality are doing to confuse and manipulate children to foster a culture without morals.

Can Catholics be Intolerant Sometimes?

When to be tolerant and intolerant.

When to Practice True Tolerance

Granting that in a given case, we may be called to practice this difficult and dangerous virtue, how should we do so? Tolerance -- even when necessary -- bears its own particular perils. What are these hazards and how may we avoid them?

Alert: Catholic Seton Hall University Plans Same-Sex “Marriage” Course for Students

According to an article published by The Setonian on April 15, a course on homosexual “marriage” will be offered next semester at Seton Hall University, a Catholic university in New Jersey with approximately 10,000 students.

To Keep Our Honor Clean: Why We Must Oppose the Homosexual Agenda for the Military

As America faces a two-front war and economic fragility, another peril looms on the horizon that threatens the honor and integrity of one of our nation’s most important institutions: our Armed Forces.

Why "Gay Marriage" is Wrong

These 10 answers will help you refute the arguments commonly used by the homosexual movement to force same-sex “marriage” on America.

Defending A Higher Law Goes Nationwide

Best book against same-sex “marriage.”