Fr. Martin Announces Pro-Homosexual Summit Against Catholic Morality
Relentless in his quest to twist God’s law and subvert 2,000 years of Catholic moral teaching, Fr. James Martin, SJ announced plans for a pro-homosexual summit titled “Outreach 2021: LGBT Catholic Ministry Gathering.” The conference hosted by Jesuit-run Fordham University, scheduled to take place in June of 2021, presents a line-up of speakers who have a common objective: Normalize unnatural vice and its culture of death within the Catholic Church.
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“Fr. Martin’s pro-homosexual summit is like lipstick on a pig,” said TFP Student Action director John Ritchie. “Sodomy is still a sin. No amount of lipstick or window dressing can turn the sin of lust into a badge of pride. No attempt to normalize homosexual sin will change that reality, because nobody has the power to change what God has established from the beginning.”
“As a true Mother, the Church always leads sinners away from sin,” Ritchie added. “The remedy remains the same: Virtue. Chastity. Confession. Grace. Prayer. Penance. Angelic purity.”
Who are the keynote speakers listed for the event? Do they align with the perennial moral teachings of the Catholic Church?
Let’s see.
The Most Rev. John Stowe, OFM
Bishop of Lexington, Kentucky
Not only has Bishop Stowe endorsed Fr. James Martin’s pro-LGBT book, Building a Bridge, but he also issued a “prayer card” that celebrates homosexual pride. The card includes an image of a crucifix covered with rainbow colors. Made to commemorate the “celebration of Pride” during the month of June, the card was released on the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. (Source: LifeSiteNews)
In contrast, the late Pope John Paul II condemned the pro-homosexual “pride” parade in Rome as an “offense” against moral values. Speaking against homosexual sin, the Pope stressed that the Church “cannot be silent about the truth, because she would fail in her fidelity to God the Creator and would not help to distinguish good from evil.”
Causing further confusion, the website of a pro-homosexual group, Fortunate Families, currently lists Bishop Stowe as “ecclesial advisor.”
Sr. Jeannine Gramick
Co-Founder of New Ways Ministry
Because of her repeated attempts to subvert God’s law and normalize homosexuality, the Catholic Church condemned Sr. Gramick on May 31, 1999:
“… the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith is obliged to declare for the good of the Catholic faithful that the positions advanced by Sister Jeannine Gramick and Father Robert Nugent regarding the intrinsic evil of homosexual acts and the objective disorder of the homosexual inclination are doctrinally unacceptable because they do not faithfully convey the clear and constant teaching of the Catholic Church in this area.”
Furthermore, the condemnation reads:
“The ambiguities and errors of the approach of Father Nugent and Sister Gramick have caused confusion among the Catholic people and have harmed the community of the Church. For these reasons, Sister Jeannine Gramick, SSND, and Father Robert Nugent, SDS, are permanently prohibited from any pastoral work involving homosexual persons and are ineligible, for an undetermined period, for any office in their respective religious institutes.” (Source: The Holy See)
New Ways Ministry, which Sr. Gramick co-founded, was also condemned by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in 2010.
Fr. Bryan Massingale
Professor of Theology at Fordham University
Speaking to the Global Network of Rainbow Catholics in Chicago on July 4, 2019, Fr. Massingale stated: “I come to this conversation as a Black, gay priest and theologian.”
During his talk, the pro-homosexual priest contested Catholic teaching in blasphemous terms:
“Yes, we certainly need to rethink our church’s official sexual ethics. But even more, we have to rethink God.” Brushing aside the duty of every faithful Catholic to follow the Magisterium of the Church, Fr. Massingale continued: “We need to create a new church where obedience is not the primary virtue…” (Source: Dignity USA)
In 2006, Fr. Massingale publicly opposed a pro-family marriage referendum in Wisconsin designed to protect God’s marriage as the union between one man and one woman. (Source)
At the Religious Education Conference (REC), Fr. Massingale participated in a workshop together with a transsexual titled: “Transgender in Our Schools: One Bread, One Body.” The talk claimed that Church doctrine is not clearly defined concerning transgenderism, and made it clear that the only danger of children suffering from gender dysphoria comes when they or their family fail to accept “their reality.” (Source: TFP.org)
Mrs. Sivagami (“Shiva”) Subbaraman
LGBTQ Resource Center, Georgetown University
As a non-Catholic and self-described lesbian, Siva Subbaraman was hired to lead Georgetown Univesity’s LGBTQ Resource Center. Since 2008, the center has organized numerous activities that aggressively undermine Catholic teaching: Lavender Graduations, Coming Out Days, “LGBTQ Mass of Belonging” in Dahlgren Chapel, all-gender bathrooms, and transgender dorms for students.
In 2016, when Planned Parenthood’s president spoke at Georgetown’s Jesuit campus, Subbaraman was seen encouraging pro-abortion students in their protest against TFP Student Action volunteers who prayed the rosary outside Healy Gate in opposition to the pro-abortion lecture.
Fr. Timothy Radcliffe, OP
Former Master General of the Dominican Order
Writing for The Guardian, Fr. Radcliffe affirms his public approval of sinful unions: “Supporting gay marriage is an obvious good…. It is heartening to see the wave of support for gay marriages,” he stated. (Source: The Guardian)
Even worse, Fr. Radcliffe employs blasphemous language against Our Lord and His Sacrifice in a vile attempt to justify sins against nature. Writing about human sexual ethics for the Anglican Pilling Report in 2013, he states:
“How does all of this bear on the question of gay sexuality? We cannot begin with the question of whether it is permitted or forbidden! We must ask what it means, and how far it is Eucharistic. Certainly it can be generous, vulnerable, tender, mutual and non-violent. So in many ways, I would think that it can be expressive of Christ’s self-gift.” (Source: LifeSiteNews)
Other speakers for Outreach 2020 include:
James Alison
Ex-Dominican priest
James Alison is a laicized priest from England. As a self-proclaimed homosexual theologian, his errors are public and notorious.
He stated: “Actually I think they accused me of being an ‘internationally known homosexual activist,’ which always seemed to be a wonderful thing…” (Source)
Speaking at Most Holy Redeemer Catholic Church during a Jesuit Foundation-funded event titled, “Is it Ethical to be Catholic? Queer Perspectives,” Alison urged his pro-homosexual listeners to “create a Catholic culture of same-sex love.”
During his presentation, Alison said: “…the Church in its stumbling, bumbling, chaotic way is just learning how to deal with the new reality of honest, straightforward lesbian and gay people.”
Alison also attacks the ecclesiastical hierarchy, blasphemously using the Blessed Virgin Mary to justify his sinful position: “Our Lady’s love for her queer children -- one of the best kept, but also best known secrets of the Church – is something which no amount of ecclesiastical homophobia can vanquish.”
Fr. Greg Greiten
Priest in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
To suggest that God created sin or sinful inclinations is blasphemous. However, in a column published by the National Catholic Reporter, Fr. Greiten does just that.
“I promise to be my authentically gay self,” wrote Fr. Greiten. “I will embrace the person that God created me to be. In my priestly life and ministry, I, too, will help you, whether you are gay or straight, bisexual or transgendered, to be your authentic self — to be fully alive living in your image and likeness of God. In reflecting our God-images out into the world, our world will be a brighter, more tolerant place.”
Using moral relativism, Fr. Greiten continues: “I must speak my truth. I have lived far too many years chained up and imprisoned in the closet behind walls of shame, trauma and abuse because of the homophobia and discrimination so prevalent in my church and the world.” (Source: National Catholic Reporter)
Shelly Fitzgerald
Same-sex “marriage” advocate
After entering a same-sex “marriage,” Shelly Fitzgerald was dismissed from her job at Catholic Roncalli High School. The Archdiocese of Indianapolis stood by its decision, stating that “Catholic schools exist to communicate the Catholic faith to the next generation.” The archdiocese asked “all teachers, administrators, and guidance counselors to uphold the Catholic faith by word and action, both inside and outside the classroom.”
Undermining the legitimate authority of the Church, however, Fr. Martin is giving Shelly Fitzgerald a platform to legitimize same-sex “marriage” and further undermine God’s marriage. (Source: LifeSiteNews)
Fr. William Hart McNichols
Open homosexual artist
Fr. McNichols is an open homosexual priest and pro-LGBT activist who created a sacrilegious icon against Our Lord Jesus Christ known as “Francis ‘neath the Bitter Tree.” According to New Ways Ministry, the icon depicts Jesus “as a gay man with sores similar to those AIDS patients get from kaposi sarcoma.” Instead of the traditional inscription above the Cross, a blasphemous plaque reads, “AIDS Leper, Drug User, Homosexual.” (Source: Sons of St. Joseph)
Dr. Mary Shawn Copeland
Pro-homosexual theologian
Professor emerita of theology at Boston College, Dr. Copeland is a proponent of Liberation Theology and the normalization of homosexuality inside the Church.
In her book, Knowing Christ Crucified, Copeland approvingly includes blasphemous citations that attack the Sacred Person of Our Lord. “‘On Easter, God made Jesus queer in his solidarity with us. In other words, Jesus “came out of the closet” and became the ‘queer’ Christ…. Jesus the Christ is queer by his solidarity with queers.’”
Protest over Copeland’s anti-Catholic views prompted the cancelation of her speaking engagement at Catholic Madonna University in 2017. (Source: Church Militant)
Dr. Lisa Fullam
Professor of moral theology, Santa Clara University
Dr. Fullam is a pro-LGBT professor of moral theology at Jesuit Santa Clara University. Not only is she outspoken against Catholic moral teaching, but she also calls for a revolt within the Church. Writing for Commonweal Magazine, she states:
“What is needed is for gay priests to have a Stonewall moment. They need to speak up for themselves. Their colleagues, ordained and otherwise, need to stand with them. They need to come out of the closet, or nothing will change.” (Source: Commonweal Magazine)
Dr. Fullam also encourages sinful activism: “And please--if there is a Pride parade coming up near you, go out and stand with the LGBTQ community.” (Source)
David Haas
Pro-homosexual musician
Mr. Haas will provide music for the “liturgies” during Outreach. Hass wrote music to celebrate Pride Month in 2019: “For Pride Month, last night I composed a Taize’-like (ostinato) refrain, based on Psalm 139, 13-14.” However, according to Catholic author, Dr. Peter Kwasniewski, Haas’ composition is both “scurrilous” and “blasphemous.” (Source)
Stand Up for 2,000 Years of Catholic Teaching
Faithful Catholic everywhere are invited to stand up for the teachings of the Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church. It is our obligation to remain faithful to God’s holy law and the clear and consistent Magisterium of the Church taught for over 2,000 years.
TFP Student Action invites its friends and supporters to voice their peaceful concern to Fordham University. Urge the Catholic university in New York City to cancel the pro-homosexual summit organized by Fr. James Martin.
Sign your peaceful protest here.
Please defend the Catholic Church from the onslaught of those who wish to sow error from within.