Get Involved - Cesar Franco
Saint Michael Prayer Tour Gets Steady Support in New Mexico
Over 850 favorable honks were counted during our rush-hour campaign.
Rosary Prayer Tour Reaches Arkansas and Oklahoma
"The clear majority of drivers were very supportive."
Policeman Tears Up Seeing So Much Support at TFP Prayer Rally
"... a police officer started weeping after seeing the tremendous outpouring of support."
Young TFP Volunteers Start Multi-State Prayer Tour
"We literally felt like we were in the jaws of the enemy, a good place to win souls."
True Marriage Excludes Counterfeits
As lawmakers entered the Pennsylvania State Capitol building on Tuesday, March 16 they saw a group of young TFP volunteers rallying support for God’s marriage. It was no ordinary day since members of the State Senate Judiciary Committee were about to convene for an important vote on the Marriage Protection Amendment.