Blog - Ambiences, Customs & Civilizations
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Why does the sword retain such power as a symbol despite its obsolescence as a weapon? It does so because the sword preserves its heroic legacy as a badge of chivalry and guardian of human dignity.
When two great civilizations meet, the most fruitful outcome from the peaceful relationship that should be established is a wise and balanced interchange of values.
The faces of Martin Luther, Maximilien Robespierre, and Ernesto "Che" Guevarra express will the pride and sensuality of the Revolution and its hatred for inequality.
A library should not be merely a practical, ugly place to store books. Rather, it must express the beauty, nobility, and superiority of man's intellectual capacities.
God is not found in agitation. True happiness comes from recollection, calm, reflection, and prayer, not agitation, noise, and sensationalism.
Before modern technology, speed, and mechanization created the "masses", even the common illiterate people exuded a rich personality that bursted with life.
Even simple household objects can express great meaning, creating an ambiance that rests the soul as well as the body.
The beauty, splendor, and nobility of Windsor Castle and the monarchy elevates, not crushes, the humble activity of the cook.