Media - TFP Student Action
Sir Winston Churchill was right when he said socialism is "the equal sharing of misery." Watch the video.
Every student should see this video. Watch & share the video now.
Why is equality so trendy? On most college campuses you hear about "marriage" equality, income equality, gender equality, and social equality. What does all this egalitarianism really mean?
Where boys become Catholic heroes.
During a recent tour for traditional marriage in Maine, volunteers with The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) saw pro-marriage yard signs get unlawfully removed or destroyed by pro-homosexual advocates.
In this newly released video, volunteers with the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) describe how they ...
Public opposition to Obamacare: "A Child is a blessing, not a disease." This video captures the work of TFP Student Action volunteers on college campuses and busy street corners – on the front lines – opposing Obamacare’s recent attack on the Church.
You won’t find this type of candid footage on CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC or even Fox News, but it shows you what the liberal media would like to hide: New Yorkers do not want the sacred institution of marriage -- ordained by God -- redefined, tampered or destroyed.
Nowhere is Saint Michael’s presence more keenly felt than at Mont Saint Michel.