Get Involved - James Bascom
TFP conference gathers more than 120 students, activists, and youth leaders from 21 countries in Europe and the Americas for a week of prayer, study, and training in pro-family, Counter-Revolutionary activism.
Faithful Catholics, including alumni and former benefactors, gathered in prayerful protest of the leadership of the Felician Sisters over their selection of Fr. Michael Crosby, OFM Cap. to lead a weeklong retreat in Livonia, Michigan. Fr. Crosby is an outspoken advocate of a host of positions at odds with Catholic doctrine.
The general mood at the 20th annual School of the Americas (SOA) Watch protest at Fort Benning, Georgia was closer to a death knell than a milestone. "Signs of decline were everywhere," declared a New York Times writer.
Few Americans are unaware of the controversy over the proposed Ground Zero mosque in New York City. Thanks to the mainstream media, even fewer are aware of the protest against it on this year’s anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attack. TFP Student Action volunteers joined the huge rally.