Repulsive Drag Show at Jesuit Seattle University

After promoting Planned Parenthood internships on its web site, Seattle University has fallen even lower in its abandonment of St. Ignatius of Loyola. According to the university’s student newspaper, The Spectator, a packed audience attended the 5th annual drag show in the Campion Ballroom on April 27.
The event was promoted by the pro-homosexual Triangle Club. Promotional material told students that “It would be amazing if you showed up in drag” for the event, which featured “professional drag queens” (men dressed as women) and “student performers.”
Drag shows are a notorious symbol of moral depravity, part of the sexual revolution apparatus. In these times, one might expect to find such things on the infamous stages of Broadway or the godless sets of Hollywood. But at a Catholic university?
What does “Catholic” signify to the administrators of Seattle University? An empty title devoid of moral principles rather than a way of life instituted by Our Lord Himself? What other conclusion can one draw in the face of this Jesuit university’s latest transgression against it’s Catholic identity?
Seattle University’s web site states: “The Jesuits are well-known and respected as educators.” Quite right, and justly so. But did they gain that reputation by the defiance of their Catholic identity, and the flaunting of immorality? A resounding “No!” is the only answer! That reputation was gained through faithfulness and integrity, qualities quite lacking if current events are any sign.
One of the university’s aspirations for its student body is their “learning about making ethical choices in their lives.” One must wonder what sort of ethics it wishes its students to learn. Clearly not Catholic ones, since it has neatly swept them away, to clear the way for the “celebration of diversity.”
If Seattle University wishes to live up to both its Jesuit tradition, and its Catholic identity, this is the time for them to show it by publically condemning the drag show event, apologizing for having allowed the scandal multiple times, and banishing it forever.
Oh, yes, the promotion of Planned Parenthood internships must cease as well.
Voice your concern:
Fr. Stephen V. Sundborg, SJ
Seattle University, President
901 12th Ave.Seattle,
WA 98122-1090
Phone: 206-296-1891