Abortion ‘more safe than giving birth’ says professor at Catholic College of Mount St. Vincent

Of all the tenets of Catholic social teaching, perhaps the clearest and easiest to grasp is the right to life, the respect and protection of all innocent human life from conception to natural death.
However, Bianca Laureano, Professor of Sociology at the Catholic College of Mount Saint Vincent, is actively promoting abortion inside the classroom.
As the Cardinal Newman Society recently reported, Prof. Laureano introduced a course this summer, titled “Soc of Human Sexuality.” Describing her course on a pro-abortion web site, Advocates for Youth, she boasts about her involvement in the abortion industry. Abortion is “safe, more safe than giving birth,” she affirms.
Bianca Laureano is also a registered volunteer for The Doula Project. The group’s web site states: “We offer our services to pregnant people having medication abortion (the abortion pill) and surgical abortion. We currently partner with Planned Parenthood Brooklyn and a Public Hospital’s Reproductive Choices Clinic.”
In addition to supporting the culture of death, Prof. Laureano also makes use of blasphemous “art” directed against the Blessed Virgin Mary in her presentations.
The question that comes to mind is this:
If the College of Mount Saint Vincent calls itself “Catholic”, why does it allow this anti-Catholic voice a platform from which to harm the faith? Let us hope that this abuse will be corrected with the swift termination of Prof. Laureano teaching assignment.
Is it too much to ask a Catholic college to act Catholic and stop allowing abortion promoters like Prof. Laureano in the classroom?
Contact the college with your peaceful protest:
College of Mount Saint Vincent
Dr. Charles L. Flynn, Jr., President
6301 Riverdale Avenue
Riverdale, NY 10471
Phone: (718) 405-3233
Email: president@mountsaintvincent.edu