Texas Student Conference Presents Fatima's Solutions for Woke and Cancel Culture
Fifty young men from around the country gathered at a ranch outside Houston for a special conference titled “Defeating Our Cancel and Woke Culture with Our Lady of Fatima’s Future.” The event focused on the Fatima message and how it applies to modern culture. It was hosted by TFP Student Action, a campaign of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property (TFP).
-- Get information about future TFP events here.
The April 9-12, 2021 conference required lots of faith and effort. “This conference was a small miracle” said Cesar Franco of TFP-Texas, who helped organize the event. “We weren’t sure how everything would work out. There were many variables. Texas still had Covid-19 restrictions, and we didn’t have a lot of time to prepare. We didn’t know if students would show up,” he confessed. “But we trusted in Our Lady, and got ready. And everything fell into to place.”
Rediscovering Our Lady of Fatima’s Message in 2021
The first talk by Rex Teodosio from the TFP’s Wisconsin office was about “What Our Lady of Fatima Requested.” He focused on how Our Lady wanted repentance from sin and the praying of the Rosary. Mr. Teodosio explained how the Rosary needs to include meditation to be truly effective.
Cesar Franco with TFP-Texas gave the talk “Crisis in the Church: The Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail” in which he presented hope for the future by showing that the Church as a Divine Institution cannot be destroyed, even though it goes through many crises.
TFP member James Bascom focused on the “Errors of Russia and the Coming Chastisement.” He showed that Our Lady of Fatima’s words about the spreading of the “errors of Russia” are being fulfilled with the renewed expansion of communist and socialist ideas throughout the world.
Taking Our Lady’s Message into the Streets
For many students, the best part of the conference was the April 11 street campaign in Houston. Participants gathered at Hermann Park with signs defending God’s marriage between one man and one woman. Students also protested the sin of abortion.
-- Get information about future TFP events here.
The enthusiasm was palpable as the students chanted slogans like “Moral values are Texas values,” “Every child needs a mother and a father!” and “Smile! You survived abortion!” The locals were mostly supportive and showed their approval with honks and words of encouragement.
“It’s important to stand up for real Catholic culture,” said a student from Texas A&M University while standing in the hot sun with his friends. “Go out and make a stand.” After an hour and a half of campaigning, Timothy, a student from the Dallas area, said, “I wish the campaign had gone on longer. I could have stayed here all day!”
Our Lady Wants Her Children to Confide and Fight!
Everyone who came to the conference was encouraged and strengthened in the resolve to oppose the oppressive cancel and woke culture.
The conference was a call to embrace the Cross of suffering and engage in the spiritual battle for the Church and society. A very poignant moment was the unveiling and veneration of a relic of the True Cross of Our Lord amid the singing of hymns. Like the crusader saints, we must march forward, per Crucem ad Lucem (through the Cross to the light).
Please pray for these young men that they confide in Our Lady of Fatima, embrace the Cross of suffering, and engage in the spiritual battle to restore the Church and Christian civilization.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!