Catholic Counter-Revolutionary Conference Brings Hope for the New Year
“If the Revolution is disorder, the Counter-Revolution is the restoration of order. And by order we mean the peace of Christ in the Reign of Christ, that is, Christian civilization, austere and hierarchical, fundamentally sacral, antiegalitarian, and antiliberal.” Mindful of these solemn and profound words, written back in 1959 by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira in his book Revolution and Counter-Revolution, TFP Student Action began the New Year with its annual winter conference for young Catholic men.
[To get information about future conferences for young men, please click here.]
After socialist covid-19 lockdowns shut us in our homes, and anarchic riots tore apart our cities, not to mention a chaotic election cycle, the need for the restoration of order has never been more apparent and pressing.
Young men from as far away as California and Michigan gathered in Ocala, Florida from December 29th through January 2nd for a conference based on the book Revolution and Counter-Revolution. The work addresses the root causes of our modern crisis, explains how we got here, and what we need to do to get out of this mess.
A sequence of talks described the process of decadence in detail, describing three interconnected Revolutions: the pseudo-Reformation, the French Revolution, and the Communist Revolution and the upheavals of the 60s and beyond. The most popular talk titled “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity” was given by TFP member James Bascom who made the link between the anarchy of the French Revolution and the recent violence on the streets of major American cities like Portland, Oregon.
Another talk that sparked interest was “Proposing a Return to Order” by John Horvat II, author of Return to Order and TFP vice-president. Mr. Horvat urged the participants to wholeheartedly reject our toxic culture and embrace an Organic Christian Society that embodies moral law and the practice of virtue.
Attendees also appreciated a talk by Thomas Drake, president of TFP—Louisiana, who delved into the marvels of the Middle Ages and explored the magnificent cathedrals and chivalrous spirit that characterized that era of saints and heroes.
On New Year’s eve, the nearly 50 conference participants went to Ocala’s Downtown Square with banners and signs rejecting socialism. The TFP band of bagpipers and drummers played patriotic tunes while volunteers went into the town square handing out leaflets and encouraging the local citizens to reject socialism.
Later that evening, conference participants gathered to venerate a relic of the True Cross, pray, and sing Catholic hymns to usher in the Year of Our Lord 2021. In the ensuing hours, the night sky lit up with brilliant fireworks, and everyone gathered to celebrate with champagne – uncorked with a brisk sword stroke – and hors d’oeuvres.
At the close of the conference, the participants said their farewells, better prepared to oppose the disorder of the Revolution and ready to fight more vigorously for the restoration of order. May God and Our Lady help these young men and all God-fearing Americans persevere in this epic struggle for the restoration of Christian Civilization.
Deus Vult!
Our Lady of Victory! Pray for us!
Get information about future conferences for young men here.