TFP at CPAC: Stop Obamacare’s Religious Persecution

When Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius promulgated new rules on January 20, just days before the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C., requiring all health insurance plans under “Obamacare” to include contraception, abortifacients, and sterilization services, it marked the flashpoint of a process that historians may one day call the “War on Religion.”
We are witnessing a culture war that has been building up for years, even decades; a war between socialism and its greatest obstacle, the Catholic Church, the only institution whose Magisterium consistently denounces socialism, its tenets, and the culture of death.
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Nearly every Catholic Bishop in the United States, as well as many political leaders and organizations, both Catholic and non-Catholic, have made statements expressing their rejection of the Obamacare mandate, which forces those who oppose contraception on moral grounds to violate their consciences or pay heavy fines. The mandate does not only target Catholics, but every God-fearing American.
Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, in his speech at CPAC, exclaimed that “Thanks to President Obama, we are all Catholics now.”
As the conflict escalated, TFP Student Action volunteers attended the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Washington, DC. With more than 11,000 conservative activists, students, politicians, and concerned citizens in attendance over a 3-day period, CPAC is the largest annual conservative political conference in the country.
“Our booth was really, really busy. Lots of people wanted to know what they could do to oppose Obamacare,” said TFP volunteer Thomas Schneider. During the event TFP volunteers distributed approximately 4,000 copies of its statement, calling for the repeal of Obamacare:
Confronting Religious Persecution in America:
Neither Apostasy nor Dhimmitude!