Planned Parenthood Link at Boston College Vanished After 7,100 Complaints

Thank God, peaceful protest worked again.
TFP Student Action is glad to announce that the Boston College Law School – a Catholic institution – has apparently removed Planned Parenthood from its web site, where it was listed under pro bono organizations.
“The requested URL was not found on this server” is the message that now pops up on the computer screen when access to the Planned Parenthood link is attempted.
The listing was pulled after the TFP launched a peaceful online protest, which generated over 7,100 emails, personal letters and phone calls urging the president of Boston College, Fr. William Leahy, S.J., to remove the mention of Planned Parenthood.
“It’s a shame the listing was there to begin with, but I’m glad it was taken down,” said TFP Student Action director John Ritchie. “Catholic colleges must not compromise with the culture of death. They should be bold champions of virtue and staunch defenders of innocent life.”
TFP Student Action is grateful to everyone who participated in this effort, especially the brave pro-life students at Boston College who defend the unborn.
May God bless and reward all of you!