Encouraging: Rallies for Marriage Expand to 170 Locations

Simultaneous rallies for traditional marriage were held from California to New York on March 17, 2012. The prayerful rallies, organized by the TFP and its America Needs Fatima campaign, affirmed the self-evident truth: God’s marriage = one man + one woman.
Rally participants who took to the public square called on the powerful intercession of Saint Joseph, protector of the Holy Family, to assist them in their campaign to preserve the sacred institution of marriage.
This year more rally captains stepped forward. As the word got out, the number of rallies expanded to 170 locations. Many Americans, especially Catholics, are alarmed by the rapid advance of the homosexual agenda and concerned about the lack of political and religious leadership on this most crucial issue.
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The battle for marriage is central to the survival of civilization. If this sacred institution is not robustly defended, the enemies of the family will find little resistance in the way of introducing counterfeit same-sex “marriage” and other immoral activities.
The case against same-sex “marriage” is found in the TFP pamphlet 10 Reasons Why Homosexual "Marriage" is Harmful and Must be Opposed.
The reasons are:
1. It is not marriage.
2. It violates Natural Law.
3. It always denies a child either a father or a mother.
4. It validates and promotes the homosexual lifestyle.
5. It turns a moral wrong into a civil right.
6. It does not create a family, but a naturally sterile union.
7. It defeats the state's purpose of benefitting marriage.
8. It imposes its acceptance on all society.
9. It is the cutting edge of the sexual revolution.
10. Most importantly, it offends God.
Get the complete text for each reason here