365 Days Defending Moral Values
Thank God, TFP Student Action has been more effective than ever upholding moral values in 2011. Young TFP volunteers really put their heart and soul into this noble fight, traveling thousands of miles, holding dozens of campaigns nationwide.

Highlights of the year include:
A victory for traditional marriage in Maryland
Facing 250 violent pro-homosexual students at Brown University
(See the amazing video here)
Rallying for the troops at Fort Benning
Campaigning for the Mississippi Personhood Amendment
Getting pro-abortion speakers canceled at two Catholic institutions: Siena College and Madonna University
Our activities were picked up by The Washington Post, The Brown Daily Herald, LifeSiteNews.com, TheHill.com, CitizenLink.com, and NPR, among others.
We enter the year 2012 full of confidence that God will help us to continue fighting the good fight under the protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Here are some more noteworthy acitivites:
A Camp for Aspiring Heroes: Young men gather to celebrate the New Year at the annual TFP Winter Camp. The week was filled with prayers, challenging games and captivating talks.
Massive 38th March for Life Reflects Youthful Resolve to Stop Abortion: Over 300,000 people march against the sin of abortion.
Good News: Madonna University Cancels Planned Parenthood Speaker: The event was canceled after good pro-life students and TFP Student Action spoke up.
CPAC Needs Moral Leadership: TFP Student Action volunteers man a well-visited booth and distribute thousands of leaflets urging CPAC participants to defend objective moral law and oppose the homosexual movement.
TFP to CPAC: Don’t Betray Principles: TFP publishes a statement calling conservative leaders to reject the homosexual agenda at CPAC.
EXPOSING Planned Parenthood: TFP Student Action volunteers protest in front of Planned Parenthood in tandem with Live Action’s efforts.
Tour for Traditional Marriage in Maryland
New Tour for Traditional Marriage in Maryland: TFP Student Action members launch a state-wide tour to support traditional marriage, which is under attack.
TFP Rally Disrupted by Pro-Homosexual Blasphemers Yelling "God is Dead": Campaigns are held in Towson, Timonium and at the White Marsh Mall.
Opposing Same-Sex “Marriage” in Annapolis, Maryland: Campaign at Maryland State House.

Traditional Marriage Tour Stops in Baltimore: Despite the cold and dreary weather, TFP Student Action volunteers visit several locations around Maryland.
Victory for God’s Marriage in Maryland: The bill that would have legalized same-sex “marriage” in Maryland fails.
Tour for Traditional Marriage Wraps up with Great Success: In high spirits from the victory in Maryland, TFP Student Action volunteers visit Baltimore. Traditional Marriage Caravan in Rhode Island and New Hampshire.
Traditional Marriage Tour Reaches Rhode Island: Taking to the streets again, TFP Student Action goes to Rhode Island where a bill to legalize same-sex counterfeit "marriage" is being debated.
Defending Traditional Marriage in Providence: The campaign begins in front of the Rhode Island State House.
Voice of the Unborn in Boston: TFP Student Action members went to support around seventy-five pro-lifers who were protesting a Planned Parenthood Rally.
Pro-Homosexuals Attempt to Rip TFP Sign in Newport: Despite the peaceful nature of all our rallies, the pro-homosexual advocates are far from tolerant.
VIDEO: Pro-Homosexuals at Brown University Respond to Peaceful TFP Rally with Violence: About 250 frenzied pro-homosexual students gather to scream, spit, taunt, insult, and assault us.
Traditional Marriage Tour Rolls into New Hampshire: The campaign moves forward to New Hampshire.
Radical Marxist Priest Ernesto Cardenal Speaks at Xavier University: Catholic students ask why and organize a protest.
Notre Dame Finally Drops Charges Against Pro-Lifers: After almost two years of legal battle and 20,000 protests later the charges against the ND88 are dropped.
Video: Thousands March to Save Marriage in New York City: TFP Student Action joins a march for traditional marriage organized by State Sen. Ruben Diaz (D-Bronx) and other pro-family leaders.
Traditional Marriage Caravan in New York State
Tour for Traditional Marriage Reaches Syracuse: Back on the road again to defend traditional marriage in New York.
City Hall Hoists Rainbow Flag above Old Glory: Campaign for traditional marriage takes place while government officials raise a rainbow flag outside City Hall in Binghamton, New York.
VIDEO: Pro-Homosexual Advocate Destroys Traditional Marriage Banner in New York: In response to our peaceful protest a pro-homosexual advocate rips our banner up.
Finding True Role Models at TFP Camp: Young men learn about the heroes of Christian civilization at the annual TFP Summer Camp in Louisiana.
Fighting Socialism and Abortion in Texas: Camp participants go on a state-wide tour defending the unborn and opposing socialism.
VIDEO: TV Report on TFP Student Action protest: Fox 25 in Oklahoma City interviews John Ritchie about TFP Student Action's protest against "The Most Fabulous Story Ever Told," a blasphemous production at Oklahoma City University.
TFP statement issued: Stop the Debt Fire! Something is terribly wrong about a nation that must survive by borrowing against its future.
Living the Spirit of Chivalry at TFP Camp: Young men learn about the heroes of Christian civilization at the TFP Summer Camp in Pennsylvania.
Statewide Tour for Traditional Marriage in Illinois: TFP volunteers go to Illinois for one week action-packed 18-stop tour.
TFP Volunteers Debate Socialism at George Washington University: TFP volunteers distribute 10 Reasons to Reject Socialism on the busy campus located downtown Washington, D.C.
Pro-Homosexual Group Pressures PayPal to Cut Donation Service to TFP: A pro-homosexual group petitions Paypal to cut services to TFP for promoting moral values.
Dakota Ary Vindicated After Wrongful Suspension for Opposing Homosexuality: After receiving over 7,500 protests from TFP Student Action, Dakota Ary’s school record is cleared.
Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C.: TFP members man a booth at the annual Values Voters Summit, showcasing TFP campaigns on college campuses which met with wide support.
TFP Student Action Joins Pro-Life Personhood Initiative in Mississippi: Doing our signature street campaigns in defense of the unborn we received a huge amount of support from the general public.
Who Do the "Occupy Fort Benning" Protesters Really Represent? This year’s TFP Statement about the SOA Watch focuses on their link with the “occupy” movement.
Excommunicated Priest Leads SOA Watch “Occupy Fort Benning” Protest: As the leftist protest dwindles, support for troops grows.
Pro-Abortion Speaker CANCELED at Siena College: The talk was nixed less than 12-hours and 3000 protests, after TFP Student Action launched its online protest .
Pro-Homosexual Clubs Found at 107 Catholic Colleges: Over 18,500 students and parents ask college officials not to endorse pro-homosexual clubs on Catholic campuses.
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