Shocking: Pro-homosexual students launch effort to kick Catholic priest off campus for defending unborn, marriage

Send Fr. Greg Shaffer a message of support
The persecution is now blatant. Two open homosexual students at George Washington University are calling for the dismissal of Fr. Greg Shaffer, chaplain of the Catholic Newman Center on campus.
According to the student newspaper, The GW Hatchet, a handful of pro-homosexual students are launching a campaign to force Fr. Shaffer off campus because he opposes abortion and same-sex "marriage," which hurts their feelings. In a fit against Church teaching, Damian Legacy, one of the students leading the charge against the priest, told the newspaper how he "remembers at one point ripping the Vatican flag down from over his bed and throwing his cross across his room."
The same pro-homosexual activists who cry "tolerance" and "acceptance," are now pressuring top university administrators to cut all funds for the Catholic Newman Center, the largest student group on campus, and strip its chaplain of his God-given Catholic freedom to promote the truth and guide souls away from sin.
"We can't allow the homosexual movement to bully Catholics into silence or turn the Land of the Free into a gulag without virtue or moral values," said TFP Student Action director John Ritchie. "The Church is a light that shines in a world of darkness, that's why She is being persecuted. So let's all stand with Fr. Shaffer."
TFP Student Action invites all its members to send Fr. Greg Shaffer a prayerful message of support and encouragement. Stand with Fr. Shaffer.
Tell Fr. Greg Shaffer that you're praying for him
Catholic students are rallying to defend Fr. Shaffer. Dozens of sterling testimonies have been posted on a newly created website called The Chaplain We Know.
Here's what GWU students say about Fr. Shaffer:
"It was under Father Greg’s influence that I first attended Eucharistic Adoration, went to confession more than once a year, and attended Bible study."
"I have never met a priest who cares as much about enkindling the faith in others."
"He also drove 5 hours to visit me at my college when I was going through the darkest time of my life. Fr. Greg saved my life. It’s as simple as that."
"Father, you are an amazing person and you have touched the lives of so many people on this campus and in this community. I know that your work is difficult and that discrimination and persecution come with the assignment you have, but there is no better person to represent Christ on this campus than you."
"Last week, I converted to the Catholic faith with the sacrament of First Holy Communion and Confirmation after half a year of teaching in GW’s RCIA. I’ve never been more satisfied with the direction of my life and who I am as a person of faith. None of it could have happened without Father Greg."
"Thanks to Father Greg, I came back to the Church. And whenever I need him, he is there for me. Even if I call him sobbing in the middle of the night, he will always answer and will always listen."
"On December 20th, I learned, just in time to fly home after finals, that my father had been diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer that had metastasized on his liver.... After telling Father Greg the news, he cancelled his plans and drove 9 hours through the night to keep me and my younger brother company..."
Don't let the homosexual movement bully Catholics into silence or turn the Land of the Free into a gulag without moral values.
Send Fr. Greg Shaffer a message of support
Contact information:
Fr. Greg Shaffer
The Newman Center
2210 F Street NW
Washington, DC 20037
Office Phone: 202-676-6855