Stop LGBT "Film Festival" at the University of Notre Dame
- October 05, 2017

While Catholic students defend God's law, the University of Notre Dame -- a Catholic campus -- is hosting an event that destroys moral values: "GlobaLGBT+ Film Festival." The week-long "festival," ending on October 8, features pro-LGBT movies such as:
- Inside the Chinese Closet (attacks natural marriage)
- Chavela (promotes lesbianism)
- XXY (promotes transgenderism)
- Angels in America (mocks God and Angels)
Notre Dame's Browning Cinema is hosting the immoral film festival with the official sponsorship of multiple academic departments, including the departments of philosophy, anthropology, psychology and gender studies.
This is totally unacceptable: No Catholic campus should sponsor a formal "film festival" that legitimizes lifestyles which deeply offend God, mock true marriage and promote transgenderism.
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Background information: Notre Dame Endorses Pro-LGBT Film Festival Despite Bishop's Condemnation