School Fires Teacher for Using Correct Pronoun for Girl Who Identifies as Boy. Join the Protest.
- December 12, 2018

Give him his job back.
Fact 1: A biological girl decided to "transition" to "boy." So, with the applause of the transgender movement, she adopted male pronouns -- "he" instead of she. Everyone was expected to go along with the lie.
Fact 2: When the well-liked French teacher, Mr. Peter Vlaming, used correct female pronouns for the girl at West Point High School in Virginia, he was denounced and targeted.
Fact 3: The school FIRED Mr. Vlaming because he refused to violate his conscience and pretend that a girl can become a boy and vice versa. Mr. Vlaming was found guilty of holding fast to the reality that God made male and female.
Please take immediate action: Sign the "Give Him His Job Back" petition.
The school's response was ruthless.
“Mr. Vlaming was recommended for termination due to this insubordination and repeated refusal to comply with directives made to him by multiple WPPS administrators,” said Superintendent Laura Abel.
In other words, Mr. Vlaming -- who has a wife and children to support -- lost his job because he politely refused to lie or support a delusion.
"That is not tolerance," he said. "That is coercion."
Students held a walkout on Dec. 7 in support of Mr. Vlaming. Their signs, read: "You can't impose delusion on us!" and "Men are men. Women are women. #JusticeForVlaming."
- Will the pro-transgender tyranny spread to more schools in the nation?
- Will more teachers be punished for proclaiming the biological truth?
- Where will this madness lead us if we remain silent?
Sign your peaceful protest now.
(Please be respectful in your communications)
School board members:
Mr. Paul Diggs - Chairman
Mr. Elliot Jenkins - Vice Chairman
Mrs. Phyllis Dorsey
Ms. Kay Lawson
Mrs. Dudley P. Olsson
Laura K. Abel
(804) 843-4368
- Dr. Cretella on Transgenderism: A Mental Illness Is Not a Civil Right
- 10 Reasons Why Transgenderism Is the Family's Worst Enemy
- 12 Cardinals and Bishops Condemn Gender Theory Madness. Great Quotes.