Urge the Univ. of Saint Joseph to Cancel Lecture by Pro-Homosexual Priest -- a Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
- September 04, 2018

Join faithful Catholics in this prayerful petition to cancel Fr. James Martin's 2018 Buckley Lecture at the University of Saint Joseph in Connecticut on Sept. 6, 2018.
According to media reports, like a wolf in sheep's clothing, Fr. James Martin, SJ:
- Said that Catholics should "reverence" homosexual unions
- Supports transgenderism for children
- Favors homosexual kissing during Mass (sacrilege against God)
- Said homosexuals should be "invited" to be Eucharistic ministers
- Received a 2016 award from New Ways Ministry, a group condemned by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
In fact, Fr. Martin's push to normalize unnatural vice inside the Church, prompted Catholic leaders to cancel some of his appearances. The Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre disinvited Fr. Martin from speaking at its gala event in New York City and the Catholic University of America also canceled an appearance by the dissident priest at its Theological College last year.
Sign the prayerful protest. And share it with friends.
Please be polite in your correspondence:
Dr. Rhona Free
President, University of Saint Joseph
Email rfree@usj.edu
Phone: (860) 231-5221 (Executive assistant, Ruth Foxman)