Stop Pro-Abortion Links at Catholic University. Protest Now.

  • October 09, 2017
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The University of Detroit Mercy – a Catholic institution – currently features Planned Parenthood on its web site as a "resource."

Other anti-family advocacy groups listed by the university include the National Organization for Women (NOW), Amnesty International-USA,, Institute for Women's Policy Research, and Transgender Law Center.

Sign your petition to remove these pro-abortion listings. Your instant protest will go to the president of the university, urging him to remove every pro-abortion and pro-transgender group listed by the Women's and Gender Studies department under "Online WGS Resources."

How can a Catholic university encourage students to connect with Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion groups?

Speak up. Don't remain silent. Let your voice be heard.
Join this peaceful protest now. Share this page with your friends.

Contact information (please be firm yet polite):

Dr. Antoine M. Garibaldi
President, University of Detroit Mercy
Call 313-993-1455
Executive Assistant: Lisa MacDonnell
Special Assistant: Cassandra Wadley