Tell the Boy Scouts of America: Don't surrender your honor

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02-06-13 update: In a statement issued today, the Boy Scouts decided to postone their final policy decision until May. So keep the pressure on. It's working.
02-01-13: The anti-family movement is pressuring the Boy Scouts to surrender. To give up their honor. To accept unnatural behavior -- sin -- and abandon their morally sound membership policy which bars open homosexuals from holding leadership positions.
According to a recent statement by Deron Smith, director of Boy Scouts public relations, “... the BSA is discussing potentially removing the national membership restriction regarding sexual orientation. This would mean there would no longer be any national policy regarding sexual orientation..."
The proposed policy shift would place the moral welfare of 2.7 million boys involved in the institution at risk.
Top leaders of the Boy Scouts will meet on Wednesday to make a final decision -- to surrender on principles or stand strong.
With all urgency, please sign your online petition here. Urge the Scouts to stand strong.
Please consider taking these additional actions:
1. Write a Facebook post
Tell the Boy Scouts to stand strong by posting a message on their facebook page here. For example: For God and country, do what is right. Boys need moral and virtuous leaders. Stand firm on moral principles. Don't let the homosexual movement bully you.
2. Tweet this message
Post the following tweet:To the @BoyScouts: Don't give up your honor. Don't change. Keep your moral policy as is. #BoyScouts @tfpsa
3. Send a personal email
You can also send a personal email to the following email addresses:--
Mr. Wayne Brock,
Chief Boy Scouts Executive,,
Phone: (972) 580-2219
Main number: 972-580-2400, or extensions 2401, 2239, 2442, 2443, 2199.
Fax: (972) 580-7823
4. Make some calls
Contact the board members who will be casting their votes on the issue directly.
Ask them to vote AGAINST any policy change that would allow open homosexuals to lead young, impressionable boys.
David L. Beck: (801) 240-1000
R. Thomas Buffenbarger: (310) 967-4500
Keith A. Clark: (717) 763-1121
William F. "Rick" Cronk: (925) 283-7229
John C. Cushman III: (904) 393-9020
R. Michael Daniel: (412) 297-4989
Jack D. Furst: (972) 982-8250
T. Michael Goodrich: (205) 328-9445 ext. 200
Earl G. Graves: (212) 242-8000
Aubrey B. Harwell Jr.: (615) 244-1713
Stephen Hemsley: (800) 328-5979
Larry W. Kellner: (713) 468-4050
Robert J. LaFortune: (918) 582-2981
Joseph P. Landy: (212) 878-0600
Francis R. McAllister: (406) 373-8700
Scott D. Oki: (425) 454-2800
Arthur F. Oppenheimer: (208) 343-4883
Tico A. Perez: (407) 849-1235
Robert H. Reynolds: (317) 231-7227
Matthew K. Rose: (909) 386-4140
Nathan O. Rosenberg: (949) 494-4553
Roger M. Schrimp: (209) 526-3500
Marshall M. Sloane: (781) 395-3000
Rex W. Tillerson: (972) 444-1000
David M. Weekley: (713) 659-8111
Togo D. West, Jr.: (202) 775-1775
(List provided by Family Research Council)
Send this alert to all your friends.
“Right is right even if no one is doing it; wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it.”
-- Saint Augustine
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