Return to Order book trailers: Which one is better? Send your opinion
Which of these two short videos do you like the most? Leave your thoughts or comments at the bottom of this post.
Thank you.
Video #1 -- Return to Order book trailer
Video #2 -- Return to Order book trailer
Can you help us decide which of these two trailers is more engaging? More interesting? More thought-provoking?
You can post your ideas and comments below. Thank you!
Return to Order is a campaign to address the growing alarm, confusion and frustration at seeing our beloved nation, the greatest temporal power ever, spin out of control.
The book Return to Order by John Horvat II is the fruit of twenty years of research and hard work, and is the backbone and doctrinal basis for this non-partisan, non-profit effort to help America return to order. Current events make the need for such a campaign painfully clear as our country faces multi-trillion dollar debt, polarization and paralysis in politics, breakdown in community, and the erosion of basic morality.
Here a free sample chapter of the book, Return to Order.
If you order the book now, you receive a 30% pre-sale discount
(The book ships on Jan. 28, 2013)