Faithful Catholics rally against pro-abortion speaker at the University of Scranton
On January 28 dozens of TFP Student Action volunteers, in union with local pro-lifers, converged on the University of Scranton to defend innocent life.
In defiance of perennial Catholic teaching, and in the direct opposition of their Bishop, Most Rev. Joseph Bambera, the university chose to invite several pro-abortion speakers to their recent Ready to Run conference. (More background information here)
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Undaunted by cold temperatures and sporadic high winds, we set up our first campaign along the main roadway near the university. Passers-by were immediately attracted by the presence of the TFP's trademark Holy Choirs of Angels band. In response to our "Honk Against Abortion" signs, passing drivers demonstrated their support quite loudly.

As the designated hour approached, we marched, banners, bagpipes, and all, to the Rosary Garden adjoining the Cathedral. There we joined pro-life leaders, current students at the University of Scranton, alumni, and over a hundred faithful Catholics. After addresses by rally organizer Mr. James Burke, Mr. John Ritchie of TFP and several local clergy, the assembled group joined together in a prayerful recitation of the rosary, for an end to the scourge of abortion.
After a blessing and a resounding send-off by the TFP band, the rally dispersed. For us, however, the day was not yet complete. Measured by a steady drum beat, we marched from the cathedral to Brennan Hall, where the pro-abortion speakers were being given a forum. Forming up outside on the green -- with the permission of the campus police -- we held signs: "What would St. Ignatius Say?" and "Fr. Quinn: We need Catholic role models, not pro-abortion speakers" and "Thank you Bishop Bambera."

After a final campaign, a closing prayer, and a resounding bagpipe and drum finale, we rolled up the banners and headed home, ready to continue our fight to protect the innocent life of the unborn.
Please keep us in your prayers, as we continue to fight the good fight against the hideous sin of abortion.
(Please let TFP Student Action know about similar issues on your campus: contact us here)