How to Get Started

1. Location: Excellent locations for a monthly Rosary are: the campus quad, outside a student union building, in the public square, or in front of an abortion clinic.

Note: Activities must be peaceful and legal.

2. Planning: Meet your friends for refreshments before or after each event to plan future activities.

Sample agenda:

  • Decide where and when the public Rosary will take place. A good date to consider is the first Friday or Saturday of each month;
  • Delegate. Give each person a specific role;
  • Set goals. Keep minutes of your meetings;
  • Study the Fatima message;
  • Reach others. Advertise your Rosary events.

3. Organize: Compile contact information of those in your group and others willing to join. It should include e-mail, phone number, and address.

4. Make signs and flyers: Make a sign to display while you pray the Rosary, for example, one that reads: “Pray to stop abortion" or "Join our rosary for the conversion of America." If you would like us to send you a banner, e-mail us at

Reports: Send a brief email update about your activities to TFP Student Action at This is important because we hope to organize 5,000 Rosary rallies in 2010 to honor Our Lady of Fatima. To have an accurate tally, your reports are vital.

Pictures: If you take pictures, please send them to us. They will be shared with TFP members nationwide and published on the TFP Student Action website.