May 18, 2016
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The Paratrooper’s Prayer
Give me, O Lord my God, what is left Thee, that which no one asks of Thee.
I do not ask thee for rest of tranquility, either of soul or body.I do not ask Thee for riches, for success, or for health.
So many ask Thee for these, my God, that none must be left Thee.
Give me, Lord, what is left Thee.
Give me what the others refuse.
I want risk and anguish; I want fight and pain.
Give me these, my God, once and for all.
Give the certainty that these will always be my portion, for I will not always have the courage to ask them of Thee.
Give me, O Lord, what is left Thee.
Give me what others do not want.
But also give me courage, strength, and Faith.
(Prayer found by a French general in the pocket of a soldier killed in action at Dien-Bien-Phu, Vietnam.)