Urge Catholic School NOT to Fire Catholic Teacher for Quoting Saint John Bosco on Islam
- May 14, 2017

Can political correctness get worse than this?

Fact #1: Mark Smythe is a well-liked Catholic teacher at Blessed Trinity Catholic School in Ocala, Florida. He recently used Saint John Bosco's writing on Islam in his 6th grade social studies class.
Fact #2: The leftist Huffington Post found out that Saint John Bosco's writings were critical of Islam and immediately went public, attacking the teacher for sharing them.
Fact #3: The Office of the Superintendent of Catholic Schools -- with the support of the Human Resources Department of the Diocese of Orlando -- has reportedly not only reprimanded Mr. Smythe for using Saint John Bosco in class, but also threatened to dismiss him from his job. (The Catholic World Report)
You and I cannot allow Catholic teaching to be CENSORED and banned at Catholic schools.
Support Mark by signing this petition. Please politely urge the Superintendent of Catholic Schools for the Diocese of Orlando to keep Mr. Smythe as a teacher.
(Please be polite in your communications)
Mr. Henry Fortier
Superintendent of Catholic Schools
Diocese of Orlando
Phone: 407-246-4905
Email: HFortier@orlandodiocese.org