Thank Gov. Kim Reynolds for Passing Pro-Life Heartbeat Bill
- May 16, 2018

Gov. Kim Reynolds signed the Heartbeat Bill on May 4, a measure that will stop nearly all procured abortions in the state of Iowa.
"If death is determined when a heart stops beating," said Gov. Reynolds, "then doesn't a beating heart indicate life? For me, it is immoral to stop an innocent beating heart."
Planned Parenthood and the ACLU are challenging the bill in court. In fact, ACLU legal director, Rita Bettis, confessed to The Washington Post: "In the 45 years since Roe, no federal or state court has upheld such a dangerous law."
Yes. The law is dangerous for Planned Parenthood, but life-saving for the unborn.
“We know that our work is not done, that we must continue to work together to change the hearts and mind," said Gov. Reynolds. "...we’re not slowing down, we’re not going to stop. It’s a fight worth fighting."
Thank Gov. Reynolds for her unusual courage and leadership.
USA Today: Abortion Ban Gets Positive Feedback, Governor Says
Des Moines Register: Nation's Strictest Abortion Ban
LifeSiteNews: Iowa Governor Signs Bill Banning Abortions on Babies with Beating Hearts