Tell Walmart to STOP Paying Employees to Have Abortions

  • August 26, 2022
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Use your voice to fight for the unborn.

Unfortunately, Walmart is expanding its abortion coverage for all employees. The store’s pro-abortion policy sends shoppers a clear message: Walmart is not family-friendly, not baby-friendly, and not God-friendly.

  • According to Associated Press, “the new policy will also offer ‘travel support’ for workers seeking abortions covered under its health care plans…” (AP News, Aug. 19, 2022)
  • “The largest private employer in the U.S. is now covering procedure and travel expenses for abortions up until ‘fetal viability,’ which would include the great majority of sought-after abortions.” (, Aug. 23, 2022)

Walmart’s famous slogan, “Save Money. Live Better” is now meaningless. Not only will God’s plan for countless souls be cut short, but Walmart’s expanded pro-abortion policy will ensure that innocent preborn babies will neither live beyond the womb nor go shopping.

  • Tell Walmart to stop financing the sin of abortion.
  • Share this page with your pro-life friends.
  • Stand up for God’s rights.