Tell St. Paul’s Parish to REMOVE the Image of Mary with a Rainbow Flag Mantle
- August 04, 2021

This blasphemy must be opposed.
Historic St. Paul Catholic Church in Lexington, Kentucky, is currently displaying an image of Our Lady draped in a rainbow flag on its web site. (Click here and scroll down to see)
What a slap against the purity of Mary.
Therefore, TFP Student Action invites you to make a special act of reparation to God for this grave offense against His Most Holy Mother by joining our peaceful protest today.
Protest now!
Let’s call for the immediate removal of the blasphemous photo.
In fact, next to the blasphemous depiction of Mary is a so-called prayer titled “Prayer to Our Mother of Pride.”
Your firm protest is vital because that’s not the only problem at St. Paul’s Church where “LGBTQ+ Ministry” is active and where wolves appear to be in control of the flock.
For example:
The parish web site and social media pages show how St. Paul’s is undermining 2,000 years of Catholic teaching.
- St. Paul’s installed six life-size rainbow doors in front of the Church in June. Lex18News reported: “Lexington church honors pride month with bold display.”
- On May 22, 2021, St. Paul’s Facebook page posted a baptism photo that normalizes a same-sex union: A priest and a young boy “with his dads Jeremy and Tim.”
- St. Paul’s Facebook page features a rainbow banner and on Nov. 20 published a post announcing “Transgender Day of Remembrance.” (11/20/20)
- St. Paul’s Facebook post “From Fr. Richard” announces a “happy national coming out day.” (10/11/20)
Enough is enough!
- Sign your protest.
- Defend the sacred honor of Jesus and Mary.
- Resist the normalization of blasphemy and unnatural sin inside the Church.
Your prayerful voice is needed more than ever.
With prayerful action, we must oppose the smoke of Satan from harming the precious Faith of more young souls. And with discernment, we must distinguish between the true shepherd and the wolves.
The gates of Hell shall not prevail.
Thank you so much for fighting the good fight.