Tell Saint Mary’s College to Stop Listing Pro-Abortion Groups as a “Career” Service
- March 11, 2020

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Because Saint Mary’s College of California – a Catholic institution established in 1863 – currently features three pro-abortion groups on its web site under “Career and Professional Development Services.”
Pro-abortion groups featured:
National Organization for Women (NOW)
This radical pro-abortion group is “committed to keeping abortion safe, legal and accessible.”
NARAL Pro-Choice America
According to its web site, “NARAL Pro-Choice America will continue to fight to keep abortion legal for all women…”
Access Women’s Health Justice
This group provides “logistical support to people seeking abortion care, as abortion doulas… and as long-term activists for reproductive justice.”
Every faithful Catholic and every decent American knows that abortion is morally wrong.
Saint Mary’s mission statement mentions that the College “defends the goodness, dignity and freedom of each person, and fosters sensitivity to social and ethical concerns.”
However, how can the college be committed to the true freedom “of each person” while it favors pro-abortion groups that deny the unborn child of his or her most basic God-given freedom – the freedom to live?
In face of this scandal -- you and I must not remain silent. We must speak up and prevent the Culture of Death from poisoning more young minds.
God bless you for caring.
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