Tell Sacred Heart University to Disinvite Pro-Abortion Nun, Sr. Simone Campbell
- May 06, 2024

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Sacred Heart University in Fairfield, Connecticut, booked a pro-abortion nun notorious for betraying Church doctrine. Sister Simone Campbell – of Nuns on the Bus notoriety – will give the commencement address on May 11, 2024.
There are compelling reasons why the Catholic university named after the Sacred Heart of Jesus should reverse course and disinvite the heretical nun.
1. Sister Campbell insults the Holy Spirit
Sister Campbell spoke at the 2017 Women’s March, a pro-abortion march sponsored by Planned Parenthood. On that occasion, she insinuated that the Holy Spirit inspired the pro-abortion march:
“They say that we were gathered in one place: frightened, afraid to go out, and then a mighty wind came, a mighty wind that stirred the hearts and lifted the courage and let people know we are not alone, we are together.” (Source: Network, Jan 21, 2017)
2. Sister Campbell is pro-abortion
During the 2016 Democratic National Convention, Sister Campbell was interviewed by Democracy Now. She said, “I don’t think it’s a good policy to outlaw abortion.” (Source: Democracy Now! podcast, July 28, 2016)
3. Sister Campbell is pro-homosexual
Under Sister Campbell’s leadership, Network released a statement celebrating the homosexual movement. “Happy Pride Month!” the group’s statement read. “Especially this month, as the LGBTQ+ community celebrates Pride, and moving forward, NETWORK wants to make it clear that we welcome and affirm all members of the LGBTQ+ community.” (Source: Network, June 13, 2018)
4. Sister Campbell and women priests
Contradicting Our Lord, Sister Simone Campbell wrote a heretical article in TIME calling for the ordination of women priests. “It’s time that we acknowledge that women are already serving priestly roles, and that the church benefits from women’s service and perspective,” she stated. “I’m optimistic that women will be able to serve as priests one day.” (Source: TIME, Sept. 19, 2015).
5. Sister Simone spurns Church authority
The Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith issued a warning in 2012 concerning the errors of radical feminism propagated by Sister Campbell’s group, Network, and its umbrella organization, Leadership Conference for Women Religious (LCWR).
According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, however, “[Sister] Campbell rejected the report and argued that the sisters’ work for social justice actually manifested their fidelity to the gospel.” (Source: Encyclopedia Britannica)
6. Sister Campbell loves Liberation Theology
Liberation Theology is toxic for its subversive, Marxist-friendly interpretation of the Gospels. However, Sister Campbell expressed her support for the erroneous doctrine. “…in the ’80s I was totally enamored of liberation theology,” she said. “I thought it was fabulous. It was wonderful. It fit my thing.” (Source: On Being, June 11, 2015)
Join the prayerful protest today!
Sister Campbell is not a role model for Catholic students. Please urge Sacred Heart University to pick a commencement speaker who loves God and follows His law.
Please be polite yet firm in your communications:
Dr. John Petillo
President, Sacred Heart University
Phone: (203) 371-7900
More details: Sacred Heart University Picks Pro-Abortion Heretic for Commencement
(Photo credit: Thomas Altfather Good)