STOP Sinful “Pride Week” at Catholic Campus
- April 17, 2023

While Catholic students fight to preserve moral values on campus, Marquette University -- a Catholic institution in Milwaukee, Wisconsin -- plans to host events that destroy them.
From April 17-22, 2023 “Pride Week” on campus includes:
- Pro-transgender movie (April 18)
- Drag Bingo with immoral drag queens (April 20)
- Pro-homosexual Pride Prom (April 22)
These events are a brazen challenge to God’s order. St. Thomas Aquinas teaches that pride -- as an act of contempt for God -- is one of the worst sins.
And just a few steps away from the campus Chapel of the Holy Family – where the Most Blessed Eucharist is reserved -- this sinful event is scheduled to take place.
- Oppose this sacrilege.
- Join the peaceful protest today.
If you want to contact the president of Marquette University directly, please keep your communications polite yet firm. Thank you.
Dr. Michael R. Lovell
President, Marquette University
1250 W. Wisconsin Ave.
Zilber Hall, 441
Milwaukee, WI 53233
Phone: (414) 288-7223
Twitter: @PresLovell