Stop LGBT "Pride Prom" at Catholic Campus
- September 14, 2017

While Catholic students fight to preserve moral values on campus, Marquette University -- a Catholic institution in Wisconsin -- plans to host an event that destroys moral values: "PRIDE PROM 2018."
Announced as a "first," the pro-homosexual prom is sponsored by the LGBT+ Resource Center on campus and is open to people of "all ages." According to the university's website, the event will take place in Marquette's AMU Ballrooms on April 14, 2018.
What is worse, the "Pride Prom" is scheduled in the same building where Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist is present. To avert this sacrilege against the Most Blessed Sacrament, please join the peaceful protest.
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God bless you.
Please keep your communications polite yet firm.
Dr. Michael R. Lovell
President, Marquette University
1250 W. Wisconsin Ave.
Zilber Hall, 441
Milwaukee, WI 53233
Phone: (414) 288-7223
Fax: (414) 288-3161