Tell Catholic Hospital to STOP Doing Transgender Surgeries on Minors
- November 23, 2024

Help us end this madness.
According to reports, Providence Health & Services has performed 76 transgender surgeries on children. (Source: National Catholic Register)
Harming children is bad enough. However, the scandal is all the more shameful because Providence bills itself as one of the largest Catholic health systems in the country.
God made us male and female. For that reason, in 2023, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops condemned procedures that mutilate and destroy human nature:
“Catholic health care services must not perform interventions, whether surgical or chemical, that aim to transform the sexual characteristics of a human body into those of the opposite sex or take part in the development of such procedures.”
Gender Ideology is ungodly, immoral, and anti-natural. Moreover, transgenderism breaks three of God’s commandments.
- It rejects divinely revealed truth (First Commandment).
- It mutilates the human body that God created (Fifth Commandment).
- And it propagates a lie. (Eighth Commandment).
Sign your peaceful protest today.
Tell Providence to stop harming children with destructive procedures.
God bless you.
(Photo: Cindy Shebley, Wikipedia)