Sign this Protest Against the Satanic Student Club on Campus

  • December 06, 2018
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Join this peaceful protest to stop public satanism on campus.

Middle Tennessee State University's news source, Sidelines, reports that a "new organization has come to MTSU: the Satanic Collective, a group of student Satanists, occultists and other practitioners of 'alternative religion.'"

19-year-old Levethan Letson, who leads the group, said: "When I was in eighth grade, I started researching the occult... I read the Satanic Bible for the first time on my iPod touch, and ever since then, I’ve kinda been on this journey."

On Twitter, the Satanic Student Society group -- which also supports abortion and homosexuality -- is already recruiting students for its club:

"Meeting tomorrow [Nov. 5, 2018] at 5:00 in the STU [Student Union]. We encourage anyone curious or interested to come join us!" And this: "We celebrate all forms of Satanism!"

(Please be polite yet firm in your communications)

Dr. Sidney A. McPhee
President, Middle Tennessee State University
1301 East Main Street
Murfreesboro, TN 37132-0001
Phone: 615-898-2622

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle!