Sign Petition Against "Drag Queen Story Hour" for 3-Year-Olds at Palm Springs Public Library
- October 17, 2019

Pro-transgender activists -- adult men dressed as women -- should NEVER be allowed to confuse the innocent minds of 3-year-old children with gender-fluid “stories.”
Not at the public library. Not in school. Not anywhere.
But Palm Springs Public Library in California is one of the latest libraries in America planning a “Drag Queen Story Hour” for young children on Nov. 12, 2019.
The real SHOCKER: Pro-family advocates discovered that multiple “Drag Queen Story Hour” readers have criminal records for crimes against minors. The “Drag Queen” performer in Louisiana even confessed openly: “This is going to be the grooming of the next generation.”
So, please join the peaceful protest. You and I must not be silent because this gender-bending event:
- Attacks the innocence of children
- Turns a tax-dollar funded library into a place of corruption
- Constitutes a new form of child abuse
- Offends God Who created us male and female (Gen. 1:27)
Because of peaceful protests like this one, the program was:
-- Canceled in Atlanta, Georgia
-- Canceled in Lafayette, Louisiana
-- Stopped in Houston, Texas
May God bless you for sharing this page.
Contact information (Please be polite yet firm).
Palm Springs Public Library
300 S. Sunrise Way
Palm Springs, California 92262
(760) 322-7323
Public Relations Contact: Julie Warren
Director of Library Services: Jeannie Kays
Palm Springs City Mayor Robert Moon
(760) 323-8299