Sign This Petition Against “First” Satanic Black Mass in Canada
- August 15, 2019

I regret to inform you that satanists are planning a blasphemous Black Mass in Ottawa (Canada) at a heavy metal bar called “The Koven” on Saturday, Aug. 17, 2019.
This new attack against God and the Holy Catholic Church -- billed as a first in Canadian history -- is described in these terms:
- "Satanic Unbaptism"
- "Black Mass Ritual"
- "Featuring Burlesque performances”
No words can describe how evil this is because every Black Mass is a direct sin of hatred against God. Typically -- in a satanic Black Mass -- the true Catholic Mass is twisted and the Sacred Person of Our Lord Jesus Christ is attacked in the most vile, unspeakable manner. And Christian symbols such as the Crucifix are desecrated.
The Most Rev. Terrence Prendergast, Archbishop of Ottawa, qualified this upcoming Satanic black mass in Ottawa, Canada, as “vile” and “hateful.”
“Some people have counselled me to say nothing, that those perpetrating this sacrilegious deed are merely seeking publicity,” the archbishop told LifeSiteNews (08-14-19).
“But I need to be concerned for my own people, who would be shocked to think this matter was publicized and we did nothing about it,” he said. “My concern is for the faith of our people and the offence that this brings to their love of and reverence for the Eucharist.”
Archbishop Prendergast is also calling for reparation:
“I will be encouraging pastors to determine how they may bring this to the attention of the faithful of their parishes and offer a Mass, holy hours and other prayers in reparation...”
Sign your peaceful petition of protest & reparation today.
May Saint Michael the Archangel defend us in battle!
Contact information (please be polite and firm):
Mayor Jim Watson
Phone: 613-580-2496
Councillor Mathieu Fleury
Ward 12 Rideau-Vanier (where The Koven is located)
Phone: 613-580-2482