Tell Orpheum Theater: Stop Attacking the Baby Jesus with Grotesque “Drag Queen Christmas”
- December 05, 2019

A "Drag Queen Christmas" show is scheduled to take place on December 16, 2019 at Orpheum Theater in Omaha, Nebraska. Such performances feature men dressed in scanty "drag" mocking Christmas, and often performing immoral behavior. To make matters worse, while the performance warns of this "naughty" behavior, it also says that "all ages welcome"!
According to the description:
"A Drag Queen Christmas -- The Naughty Tour. It's a magical (and hilarious) evening of holiday performances featuring contestants from the reality television show on VH1. Here come the queens in their biggest holiday costumes with back-up dancers and a full stage production. All ages welcome. Warning -- adult content (because they're drag queens)..." (Omaha World-Herald,, emphasis added)
This show insults the birth of Christ. It blurs the lines established by God regarding sexuality and is a danger to our children and society. Please sign your peaceful protest. Urge Orpheum Theater to cancel "Drag Queen Christmas" immediately.
Public Rosary Rally of Reparation
Monday, December 16 at 7:15 PM
If you live in the Omaha area, please join us for a peaceful rosary rally of reparation outside the theater. Bring your rosary. Bring your friends.
WHERE: Orpheum Theater
409 S 16th St
Omaha, NE 68102
(Harney Street & South 16th Street)
Our public demonstration will be peaceful and legal as we pray the Rosary, asking for God's mercy on our nation and offering reparation. Contact the rosary rally coordinator, Francis, for more details: (785) 640-1377.