Pro-abortion group enjoys full recognition at the Catholic University of San Diego
- August 07, 2013
Hiding behind a euphemistic name, Law Students for Reproductive Justice (LSRJ) is notorious for promoting the pro-abortion agenda. Its mission in the public policy arena is designed to broaden worldwide access to surgical abortion, contraception and sex education. With activist chapters on dozens of college campuses, the group works in concert with Planned Parenthood, the ACLU and abortion doctors who routinely kill unborn children.

Late-term abortionist Dr. LeRoy H. Carhart, for example, was a key-note speaker at the Law Students for Reproductive Justice's 2013 Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference. In one of LiveAction's undercover videos, Carhart explains how he kills unborn babies by lethal injection: "It's like putting meat in a crock pot," he said.
"Justice" in this context is nothing but a gross injustice.
However, after I expressed my concern about the LSRJ club's pro-abortion presence at the Catholic University of San Diego, I received a troubling reply from Dr. Timothy L. O'Malley, vice-president of university relations. In short he attempted to justify the club's existence: "The fostering of legal expertise in all aspects of the law is consistent with the educational objectives of the USD School of Law," he wrote.
But the truth is this: abortion advocacy is never consistent with Catholic education.
Since the Law Students for Reproductive Justice promotes the culture of death, it seems quite disingenuous to justify their presence on a Catholic campus as a form of "legal expertise." No club that promotes abortion should ever be given recognition by a Catholic university.
Unfortunately, the University of San Diego is no stranger to dissent. In April, the university held its second pro-homosexual "Drag Show" on campus. And earlier this summer, the university's School of Leadership posted a job offer for Planned Parenthoodon its web site, which was only removed after TFP Student Action brought attention to it.
If Catholic law students can't find a moral atmosphere on Catholic campuses, free from the blatant promotion of abortion and homosexual vice, where will they find it? How can a Catholic law school offer a platform to a club that fights against the Fifth Commandment of the law of God?
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops have made it abundantly clear: "The Catholic community and Catholic institutions should not honor those who act in defiance of our fundamental moral principles. They should not be given awards, honors or platforms which would suggest support for their actions." (Catholics in Political Life)
Sign your protest to stop the pro-abortion agenda at USD
There are other good reasons why TFP Student Action invites pro-life Americans to ask the University of San Diego to withdraw its recognition of the Law Students for Reproductive Justice.
-- A fact sheet published by the LSRJ states that "abortion is an important component of ensuring and promoting women's health." (Source)
-- The New York University chapter of LSRJ provides "escorting at local Planned Parenthood clinics" and also sponsors an "annual Sex Toy Party." (Source)
-- At the University of Wisconsin, LSRJ recruits students to volunteer with Planned Parenthood.
-- At the University of Texas, LSRJ co-hosted a speech by Planned Parenthood's Cecile Richards in 2012. (Source)
-- LSRJ at Boston College Law School "works on reproductive health and choice issues such as global family planning, comprehensive sex education, contraceptive equity and birth control options, safe, legal and accessible abortion…” (Source)
Please Protest
For the sake of God's law and the survival of the unborn, let us ask the University of San Diego to withdraw its recognition of the pro-abortion Law Students for Reproductive Justice on its Catholic campus.
How to amplify your voice for the unbornIn addition to sharing this article with friends and family, you can be the voice of the unborn and make a bigger difference by posting messages on the University of San Diego's social media networks.
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[Sample message] Will the Catholic University of San Diego defend the unborn? Please rescind the Law Students for Reproductive Justice's club status because the group promotes the grave injustice of abortion, in opposition to Catholic teaching.
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[copy & paste this tweet] @uofsandiego Catholic USD gives pro-abortion LSRJ club full recognition. Urge them to cancel it.
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[For example] I'm deeply concerned because I found out that USD gives full club status to the pro-abortion group, Law Students for Reproductive Justice. Abortion is wrong, a grave sin against God. How can this happen at a Catholic university? Doesn't USD believe in the right to life? It's time to roll back the culture of death and rescind LSRJ's club status at the University of San Diego. Thank you.
Contact information (please be firm but polite)
Dr. Mary Lyons, President
University of San Diego
5998 Alcalá Park
San Diego, CA 92110-2492
Phone: (619) 260-4520
Fax: (619) 260-6833