Scandal: St. Ambrose University Ditches Catholic Identity for Islamic Prayer Room
- May 10, 2018

While Christians -- including many Catholic priests and faithful -- are being martyred for their faith in Muslim-dominated countries, St. Ambrose University in Iowa opened a special prayer room for Muslims.
According to NPR: The Catholic university worked with the "Saudi Student Association to design a space specifically for students of the Islamic faith. Some of the features include sinks for ritual foot-washing, and separate areas for male and female worshippers, since Islamic tradition calls for different prayer areas..."
The university explains:
"On Tuesday, May 8, St. Ambrose University dedicated a room that will be available for daily prayer to students of the Islamic faith as well as students of other religions who prefer to pray somewhere other than Christ the King Chapel."
"Being able to say that we’re committed to these Muslim students.... is really outstanding," said Student Government Association President Matthew Mahoney. "It’s uniquely Ambrosian, and it just sort of shows our commitment to all different faiths."
What about fidelity to the One True Faith?
Our Divine Savior is clear: "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No man cometh to the Father, but by me" (John 14:6).
Saint John Bosco, the famous educator, states: "Muhammed’s doctrines are ridiculous, immoral, and corrupting; those of Jesus Christ are august, sublime, and most pure."
Saint Thomas Aquinas adds: "Those who place any faith in Muhammed's words believe foolishly."
From Saint Alphonsus Ligouri: "The Mahometan Paradise is only fit for beasts."
Please sign your peaceful protest to St. Ambrose University today.
Thank you for being the voice of truth.