Cancel Fr. Martin’s Pro-Homosexual “Outreach 2022” Summit Against God’s Law
- May 20, 2022

Join faithful Catholics in this prayerful protest to oppose Fr. James Martin's summit titled “Outreach 2022: LGBT Catholic Ministry Gathering” at Fordham University in New York City on June 24-25, 2022.
For example, Fr. Martin, SJ:
- Supports transgenderism for children
- Favors homosexual kissing during Mass (sacrilege)
- Thinks homosexuals should be Eucharistic ministers
- Promoted a sacrilegious "rainbow rosary"
- Attacked the purity of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Please sign the prayerful protest. And share it with friends.
Fr. Martin's public revolt against Catholic moral teaching causes scandal, especially among faithful Catholic students. Moreover, the summit features a line-up of dissident speakers who share a common objective: Normalize unnatural vice inside the Holy Catholic Church.
Other problematic speakers include:
-- Fr. Bryan Massingale who self-identifies as homosexual and attacks Church authority in blasphemous terms: “…we have to rethink God…. We need to create a new church where obedience is not the primary virtue…”
-- Fr. Gilbert Martinez, CSP, who celebrated a sacrilegious “Pride Mass” outside the Stonewall Inn, a homosexual bar of perversion, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of riots that sparked the homosexual revolution.
-- Fr. Donal Godfrey, SJ, pro-homosexual advocate and blasphemous author who wrote: “Certainly I believe that God who is, in a sense, transgender, one that crosses all boundaries and social constructs.”
-- Dr. Colt St. Amand, a (female who presents a male) “gender doctor” whose bio reads: “Openly transgenderqueer Two Spirit man who works with LGBTQI+ children, teens, adults and their loved ones.” Dr. Colt facilitates body mutilation with “face, chest/breast, and genital surgeries,” and offers puberty blockers, “transition” surgery, and “transition” in school.
Reparation. Reparation. Reparation.
Please sign your peaceful protest now.
God bless you.